The Djinn War – Efreet Faction

También conocida como:Green Djinn Quest
Tipo de quest:Main Quests
Nivel necesario:30
Zona del Mapa:Kha’zeel
Monsters you can find…





Orc Spearman



Orc Warrior



Orc Shaman

Orc Rider




Stone Golem

Orc Berserker
Blue Djinn
Fire Elemental

Orc Leader



Orc Warlord


6 Platinum Coin

Gemmed Lamp
  • Possibility to be able to buy and sell items to the Npcs Alesar and Yaman.
  • Access to the Marids territory at the Magician Quarter in Yalahar.


Since the time when the first human, Banor, and the beloved prophet Daraman inhabited Tibia, humans on the continent of Darama have lived with a rather particular race, the Djinns.

Although the Djinns were initially so powerful enemies of humans that the war could have spread endlessly, a series of events turned their fate to something very different. The prophet Daraman spoke with Gabel, the king of the Djinns, and informed him of his intentions to end the war and strengthen peace and friendship among all races. Gabel accepted this idea, and tried to steer his race into a future in which both Djinns and humans lived in harmony.

However, not all Djinns were willing to accept this idea. Malor, a powerful army general of Djinns, secretly planned the release of the Djinns who were against Gabel’s new ideals and his death. Many Djinns refused, while the strongest warriors seemed to seamlessly join their cause. It was like this that one night, Malor’s army attacked the palace with the intention of killing King Gabel and all who resisted. Despite the effective of his attack, Malor was unable to kill Gabel, who escaped in time thanks to the timely warning from his guard and friend Fa’hradin. This is how Darama’s greatest war between the Marids and the Efreets began, which would last for generations.

Time passed and both Gabel and Malor gained more followers, to the point where both sides were almost evenly in power. The hatred between each side grew and the war seemed to have no end, and no one expected it to, since if one side won, it would only do so in numbers that would put the species itself at risk.

Malor sent a messenger to Gabel to summon him to a duel to the death, after which the war would end. Gabel attended alongside his entire army, and so did Malor. However, Malor’s usurped, who never intended to play fair, made a secret alliance with the Necromancers of Drefia, who, upon Gabel’s encounter, caused the earth to open and leave it hundreds of vicious dead, who attacked him and his army. Gabel had to escape.

Although the attack was sudden and effective, Malor was unhappy as Gabel’s army managed to escape south almost completely. What he did not expect was that Gabel had planned a counter-strategy in the face of Malor’s attack, and formed an alliance with humans to defeat the Efreets. When Malor realized, it was too late: the Necromancers and their army of Undeads were heading to the city of Ankrahmun and the Efreets, angry, did not stay behind. However, they failed to cause great damage to the city, as humans were well prepared to face the attack of the hordes of Djinns, at the tip of catapults with large rocks and arrows.

It was at this point that Baa’Leal, who led the Efreets in battle, ordered the best wizards of his army to raise a huge column of magical fire and bring it down on Ankrahmun to reduce it to the ashes. A large wall of fire appeared thanks to the magic of the Efreets, but it did not go where they expected. Fa’hradin, who foreseed Baa’Leal’s attack, ordered his sorcerers to direct the fire towards their creators, who managed to bring it down north, ravaging whatever it was behind it. The fire, driven by a slight southern breeze, consumed both plants and animals in its magical hell, turning the Kha’labal into what we know today, deserted and hostile lands.

Either way, this didn’t mean the end of the war. Many Efreets managed to escape, including Malor and Baa’Leal, for which it was not a great victory for the Marids, let alone counting the devastation of the Kha’Labal. For Gabel, it was not time to pursue the Efreets, however, there were accounts to settle with Drefia’s Necromancers. The Marids conjured a huge spell that caused the land under the city to move like a huge whirlwind, destroying the buildings and leaving everything buried under the sand.

Although many Djinns had lost their lives, the war was still alive. More battles like Ankrahmun’s could have led to the destruction of the race. Gabel came to Fa’hradin for advice. Old Djinn planned a way to eliminate Malor, and that’s how the magic lamp was created. In a way that to this day remains unknown, the lamp was placed in Malor’s quarters. In this way, when Malor locked himself in what he thought was his sleeping lamp, he became trapped in Fa’hradin’s lamp. Soon, the lamp came into Gabel’s hands, making Malor his prisoner.

Gabel quickly contacted the Efreets to let them know of their leader’s condition, but this did not stop them. On the contrary, he unleashed the wrath of his enemies, so the war was far from over. However, neither the Marids nor the Efreets planned to find the thee in a great battle, since they both hoped to refill their ranks and, because the Djinns are not a fertile race, they passed in this way centuries and centuries, and their number has increased very little. Malor, for his part, was locked up all that time in the remote place his enemies had confined him to.

What Gabel did not expect was that precisely where he had left the magic lamp would be the same place where the Orcs raised their enormous fortress. One day, the lamp was found and taken to the king of the Orcs, who freed his prisoner who had been asleep for centuries. It is not known exactly what happened afterwards, but although it is said that the king of the Orcs is still alive, he was never seen again after such an incident. Malor, however, is still alive and gathering Djinns to attack the Marids army.

The Djinn War – Efreet Faction Quest is precisely about joining the Efreets to end the Threat of the Marids. However, it’s not easy for humans to gain trust among the Efreets, so you’ll need to perform some missions before they assign you an important mission. The reward is extremely useful: you trade with the Djinn merchants of Mal’ouquah. Considering that the list of items to sell is extensive, and encompasses many relatively rare items, it is quite practical to perform this Quest and worth the effort.

Items required:
– Dwarven Rings.

To get started with the Quest, you must head to the city of Ankrahmun. Once there, look for Melchior, a blind beggar who prowls the city. There is no specific place to find it, it can be both north of the city, as in the south, within the buildings or even inside the Depot. When you find him, talk to him.

Dialogue with Melchior

Hi (Hello)

Greetings, [nombre]. I do not see your face, but I can read a thousand things in your voice!
(Greetings, [nombre]. I can’t see your face, but I can read thousands of things in your voice!)

Word of Meeting (Palabra de Saludo)

The djinns have an ancient code of honour. This code includes a special concept of hospitality. Anybody who utters the word of greeting must not be attacked even if he is an enemy. Well, at least that’s what the code says. …
(The Djinns have an ancient code of honor. This code includes a special concept of hospitality. Anyone who says the word of greeting should not be attacked, even if they are an enemy. Well, at least that’s what the code says. …)

I have found out, though, that this does not work at all times. There is no point to say the word of greeting to an enraged djinn. …
(Although I found out it doesn’t always work. There’s no point in saying the word of greeting to an angry Djinn. …)

Melchior: I can tell you the word of greeting if you’re interested. It is DJANNI’HAH. Remember this word well, stranger. It might save your life one day. …
(I can say the word greeting if you’re interested. It’s DJANNI’HAH. Remember it well, stranger. I could save your life sometime. …)

And keep in mind that you must choose sides in this conflict. You can only follow the Efreet or the Marid – once you have made your choice there is no way back. I know from experience that djinn do not tolerate double-crossing.
(And keep in mind that you must choose sides in this conflict. You can only follow the Efreets or the Marids – once you’ve made a decision, there’s no turning back. I know from experience that Djinns do not tolerate the double standard.)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

Farewell, stranger. May Uman the Wise guide your steps in this treacherous land.
(See you later, stranger. May Uman the Wise guide your steps in this treacherous land.)

Having finished this dialogue, you already know the word of greeting: Djanni’hah. Now, you must go to Ashta’daramai, the fortress of the Marids, if you want to join them; or Mal’ouquah, the strength of the Efreet, if you decide to help the Green Djinns.

This guide is for those who decide to trade with the Efreet, and therefore we will head to Mal’ouquah, the fortress of the Green Djinns, located north of Ankrahmun.

Get out of town and walk on the sands of Kha’Labal to the north. When you get to the Oasis, stop walking north and head west. When you reach the mountain, you will see some stairs (A), go up them.

You’ll face some Hyaenas along the way, though they’re not very strong. Climb other stairs and then come down again to find yourself in a wide section. Go down the road on the left and then to the left again to reach Mal’ouquah. You will face Hyaenas, Cobras and Scorpions on your way to the palace. Go through the level 30 door and you’ll meet Ubaid. Follow Melchior’s advice and use the word greeting to communicate with him.

Dialogue with Ubaid


What’s that? You know the word, [nombre]? All right then – I won’t kill you. At least, not now.
(What? Do you know the word, [nombre]? All right then — I won’t kill you. At least not now.)


Only the mighty Efreet, the true djinn of Tibia, may enter Mal’ouquah! …
(Only the mighty Efreet, the real Tibia Djinn, can enter Mal’ouquah! …)

All Marid and little worms like yourself should leave now or something bad may happen. Am I right?
(All Marids and little worms like you must leave now or something bad will happen. correct?


Of cour… Huh!? No!? I can’t believe it! …
(By the way… Ah!? No!? I can’t believe it! …)

You… you got some nerves… hmm….
(You… you have guts… Hmm. …)

Maybe we have some use for someone like you. Would you be interested in working for us helping to fight the Marid?
(We may have some use for someone like you. Would you be interested in working for us helping fights against the Marids?

Yes (Yes)

So you pledge loyalty to king Malor and you are willing to never ever set foot on Marid’s territory, unless you want to kill them? Yes?
(So you swear allegiance to King Malor and you’re willing never to set foot in the Marid territory, unless you want to kill them?

Yes (Yes)

Well then – welcome to Mal’ouquah. …
(Well then – welcome to Mal’ouquah. …)

Go now to general Baa’leal and don’t forget to greet him correctly! …
(Go now with General Baa’leal and don’t forget to say hello to him correctly! …)

And don’t touch anything!
(And don’t touch anything!)

From now on, you’ve officially joined the Efreets, and you’ll never be able to join the Marids again. In addition, from now on, you can enter the Marid territory located in the Magician Quarter of Yalahar, to hunt Blue Djinns and Marids.

Having successfully joined the Efreet, head to Baa’leal as Ubaid told you. From the entrance floor, go up two floors and you will find a small library, among whose bookbies you find Baa’leal. Talk to him by greeting him with the word of greeting.

Note: If you mistakenly say “Hi”, it will put you in a Burned state, taking fire item damage every 10 seconds infinitely. The only way to take it off is by going with a priest in a temple.

Having successfully joined the Efreet, head to Baa’leal as Ubaid told you. From the entrance floor, go up two floors and you will find a small library, among whose bookbies you find Baa’leal. Talk to him by greeting him with the word of greeting.
Note: If you mistakenly say “Hi”, it will put you in a Burned state, taking fire item damage every 10 seconds infinitely. The only way to take it off is by going with a priest in a temple.

First Dialogue with Baa’leal


You are still alive, [nombre]? Well, what do you want?
(Are you still alive, [nombre]? Well, what do you want?)

Mission (Mission)

Each mission and operation is a crucial step towards our victory! …
(Every mission and every operation is a crucial step for our victory!…)

Now that we speak of it …
(Now that we talk about it …)

Since you are not djinn, there is something you could help us with. Are you interested, human?
(Since you’re not Djinn, there’s something you could help us with. Are you interested, human?)

Player: Yes (Yes)

Well … All right. You may only be a human, but you do seem to have the right spirit. …
(Well… Very well. Maybe you’re just a human, but you seem to have the right spirit. …)

Listen! Since our base of operations is set in this isolated spot we depend on supplies from outside. These supplies are crucial for us to win the war. …
(Listen! Since our base of operations is located in this remote location, we depend on the provisions of the outside. These provisions are crucial for us to win the war. …)

Unfortunately, it has happened that some of our supplies have disappeared on their way to this fortress. At first we thought it was the Marid, but intelligence reports suggest a different explanation. …
(Unfortunately, some of our supplies have disappeared on their way to this fortress. First we thought it was the Marids, but intelligence reports suggest a different explanation. …)

We now believe that a human was behind the theft! …
(Now we think a human was behind the robbery! …)

His identity is still unknown but we have been told that the thief fled to the human settlement called Carlin. I want you to find him and report back to me. Nobody messes with the Efreet and lives to tell the tale! …
(His identity is still unknown but we have been told that the thief fled to the human settlement called Carlin. I want you to find him and report him to me. Nobody gets in with the Efreets and lives to tell the tale! …)

Now go! Travel to the northern city Carlin! Keep your eyes open and look around for something that might give you a clue!
(Now go! Travel to the northern city of Carlin! open your eyes wide and look for something to give you a clue!)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

Stand down, soldier!
(Stand down, soldier!)

When you’re done talking to Baa’leal, get out of Mal’ouquah and head to Darashia City. From there you can take a boat to Venore and from there to Carlin, which is the fastest thing.

Once you’re in town, get off the pier and walk north. To the right of the theater, you will find the Carlin Girl Brigade building, and on the first floor, Carlin Prison (A). If you look at the cells, you’ll notice that there’s a water pipe in one of them, which obviously has nothing to do with Carlin. Ask Shauna about him.

Dialogue with Shauna

Player: Hi (Hello)

Howdy [nombre]!
(Good morning, [nombre]!)

Waterpipe (Water Pipe)

Oh, there’s a waterpipe in one of my cells? …
(Oh, is there a water pipe in one of my cells?…)

I guess my last prisoner forgot it there.
(I suppose my last prisoner forgot it there.)

Player: Prisoner

My last prisoner? hmm….
(My last prisoner? Hmm. …)

I think he was some guy from Darama. Can’t remember his name. …
(I think he was a guy from Darama. I can’t remember his name. …)

He was here just for one night, because he got drunk and annoyed our citizens. …
(He was here only for one night, because he got drunk and annoyed our citizens. …)

Obviously he wasn’t pleased with this place, because he headed for Thais the next day. …
(Obviously I wasn’t pleased with this place as he went to Thais the next day. …)

Something tells me that he won’t stay out of trouble for too long.
(Something tells me he won’t be out of trouble for long.)

Bye (Goodbye)


The person we’re looking for is no longer in Carlin, so we’ll have to head to Thais to find him.

Travel to Thais and walk to the southern portal of the city. Before you leave, you will see the guard post and next to it, the police building (B). Get in it and go down to the lower floor. Examine the cells below and in one of them you will find Partos. Talk to him.

Dialogue with Childbirth

Hi (Hello)

Welcome to my little kingdom, [nombre].
(Welcome to my little kingdom, [nombre].)

: Supplies

What!? I bet, Baa’leal sent you! …
(What!? I could bet Baa’leal sent you! …)

I won’t tell you anything! Shove off!
(I won’t tell you anything! go!)

Apparently we found the man we were looking for: It was Partos who snmorphed the Efreets and lost their supplies. Knowing this, return to Mal’ouquah to tell Baa’loyal that you have found the culprit. Don’t forget to say hello to it properly, unless you want me to call you indefinitely.

Second Dialogue with Baa’leal

Player: Djanni’hah

You are still alive, [nombre]? Well, what do you want?
(Are you still alive, [nombre]? Well, what do you want?)

Player: Mission (Mission)

Did you find the thief of our supplies?
(Did you find the thief from our supplies?)

Player: Yes (Yes)

Finally! What is his name then?
(At last! Then what’s his name?)

Player: Delivery

You found the thief! Excellent work, soldier! You are doing well – for a human, that is. Here – take this as a reward. …
(You found the thief! You’ve done well — for a human, of course. Here – take this as a reward. …)

Since you have proven to be a capable soldier, we have another mission for you. …
(Since you’ve proven yourself to be a capable soldier, we have another mission for you…)

If you are interested, go to Alesar and ask him about it.
(If you’re interested, go to Alesar and ask him about it.)

Bye (Goodbye)

Stand down, soldier!
(Stand down, soldier!)

At the end of the dialogue, you will receive 6 Platinum Coins as a reward for having given births. Go to the bottom floor to find Alesar and continue with the Quest.

After Baa’leal admitted to thanking you for fulfilling his mission, go down the stairs and walk up to find Alesar. Talk to him about your next mission.

First Dialogue with Alesar

Hi (Hello)

What do you want, [nombre]?
(What do you want, [nombre]?)

Mission (Mission)

So Baa’leal thinks you are up to do a mission for us? …
(So Baa’leal thinks you’re ready to do a mission for us?)

I think he is getting old, entrusting human dogs such as you are with an important mission like that. …
(I think you’re getting older, entrusting human dogs like you with a mission like that. …)

Personally, I don’t understand why you haven’t been slaughtered right at the gates. …
(Personally, I don’t understand why you haven’t been killed at the entrance. …)

: Anyway. Are you prepared to embark on a dangerous mission for us?
(Anyway. Are you ready to embark on a dangerous mission for us?)

Yes (Yes)

Alesar: All right then, human. Have you ever heard of the ‘Tears of Daraman’? …
(All right, human. Have you ever heard of Daraman’s ‘Tears’?)

They are precious gemstones made of some unknown blue mineral and possess enormous magical power. …
(They are precious gems made of some unknown blue mineral and possess enormous magical power. …)

If you want to learn more about these gemstones don’t forget to visit our library. …
(If you want to learn more about these gems, don’t forget to visit our library. …)

: Anyway, one of them is enough to create thousands of our mighty djinn blades. …
(Anyway, one of them is enough to create thousands of our powerful Djinn Blades. …)

Unfortunately my last gemstone broke and therefore I’m not able to create new blades anymore. …
(Unfortunately my last gem broke and therefore I am not able to create more Djinn Blades. …)

To my knowledge there is only one place where you can find these gemstones – I know for a fact that the Marid have at least one of them. …
(Depending on what I know there is only one place where you can find these gems – I assume that the Marid have at least one of them…)

Well… to cut a long story short, your mission is to sneak into Ashta’daramai and to steal it. …
(Well… to sum it up, your mission is to sneak into Ashta’daramai and steal it. …)

: Needless to say, the Marid won’t be too eager to part with it. Try not to get killed until you have delivered the stone to me.
(Needless to say, the Marids won’t be too happy about it. Try not to die until you’ve brought me the stone.)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

(At last.)

For this mission, you must enter the palace of Ashta’daramai, home of the Marids. Like Mal’ouquah, the Blue Djinns Tower is also located in Kha’zeel. Get out of the fortress and return to the Kha’labal Desert (A). From there, walk northeast towards the stairs connecting the Ankrahmun Desert to the one surrounding Darashia (C).

Go up the stairs and then come down once, to find yourself in a narrow passage with a couple of Hyaenas. Don’t walk north, but go left and you’ll find a tunnel with 3 Nomads. Kill them and keep walking northwest. You’ll find several Hyaenas along the way. When you see that the “open” area ends and you enter a tunnel, you will see some rocks stacked below (B). Among them is the staircase, go down it.

You’ll face a Stone Golem downstairs, kill him. Walk south and you will find the tower of Ashta’daramai. Open the door with bright knob and several creatures will come to your attack. In total, you’ll face 2 Lions, 4 Larvae and a Blue Djinn. Remember to use a Dwarven Ring if it gets you drunk with its spell, because it is very powerful and will cost you a lot to walk in such a state. Once you’ve killed all the creatures, go down and you’ll see two stairs, one up and one down. Go up the stairs up.

You’ll find yourself in a small room with a Lion and a Blue Djinn. Kill them and go up again. On this floor, you will face 3 Scarabs and 2 Blue Djinns. Try to eliminate the Blue Djinns first, as they are the ones that will cause you the most damage.
Note: You can leave the Scarabs with few HitPoints to run from you and not attack you. This way, you won’t have to face them again when you get off the tower.

Go up the stairs to the back of the room. On this floor you will face many creatures, especially Djinns, so the Dwarven Ring is indispensable. In total, you’ll face 2 Scarabs, 4 Blue Djinns, 4 Fire Elementals and a Marid. If you are of any magical vocation, proper use of Avalanche Runes could make the situation much easier, as could the Divine Caldera spell of the Paladins. If you’re Knight, use Berserk and try to eliminate the Marid first and then the Fire Elementals, who do the most damage. When you’re done killing all the creatures in the room (Don’t forget to check the upstairs room, which is often commonly forgotten), head to the stairs on the left.

Upon climbing, 2 Scarabs, 4 Blue Djinn and 2 Marids will quickly come to your attack. As in the previous floors, it is best to quickly take down the Marids, and then attack the other creatures. Once you’ve wiped out whatever Djinn is in the room, don’t go up, but head to the fountain to the right of the room. Use it and the Tear of Daraman will appear under your feet.

With Daraman’s tears in your possession, get out of Ashta’daramai quickly. Be careful when you leave, as the creatures you killed as you climbed may have appeared again and could make it difficult to get off. When you leave, go back to Mal’ouquah and talk to Alesar about your mission.

Second Dialogue with Alesar

Player: Hi (Hello)

What do you want, [nombre]?
(What do you want, [nombre]?)

Player: Mission (Mission)

Did you find the tear of Daraman?
(Did you find Daraman’s tear?)

Player: Yes (Yes)

So you’ve made it? You have really managed to steal a Tear of Daraman? …
(So you’ve made it? Did you really manage to steal a Daraman’s Tear?…)

Amazing how you humans are just impossible to get rid of. Incidentally, you have this character trait in common with many insects and with other vermin. …
(It’s amazing how it’s just impossible to get rid of humans. Incidentally, they have this character in common with many insects and with other pests. …)

Nevermind. I hate to say it, but you’ve done us a favor, human. That gemstone will serve us well. …
(No way. I hate to say it, but you’ve done us a favor, human. This gem will come in handy. …)

Baa’leal, wants you to talk to Malor concerning some new mission. …
(Baa’lela wants you to talk to Malor about some new mission. …)

Looks like you have managed to extend your life expectancy – for just a bit longer.
(You seem to have managed to extend your life expectations – just a little.)

Bye (Goodbye)

(At last.)

When you’re done talking to Alesar, go up to the top floor of Mal’ouquah to talk to Malor about your last mission.

you must have finished Alesar’s mission, in which you had your first match with the Marids, inside Ashta’daramai, it’s time to go play in the major leagues and talk to Malor, the usurpad and king of the Efreets. Climb to the top floor of Mal’ouquah to find him.

First Dialogue with Malor

Hi (Hello)

Greetings, [nombre] human. My patience with your kind is limited, so speak quickly and choose your words well.
(Greetings, [nombre] human. My patience with your kind is limited, so speak fast and choose your words well.)

Player: Mission (Mission)

I guess this is the first time I entrust a human with a mission. And such an important mission, too. But well, we live in hard times, and I am a bit short of adequate staff. …
(I guess this is the first time I’ve entrusted a mission to a human. And an important mission, too. But well, we live in tough times, and I’m a little short of proper equipment. …)

Malor: Besides, Baa’leal told me you have distinguished yourself well in previous missions, so I think you might be the right person for the job. …
(On the other hand, Baa’leal told me that you have distinguished yourself well in previous missions, so you seem to be the right person for the job. …)

Malor: But think carefully, human, for this mission will bring you close to certain death. Are you prepared to embark on this mission?
(But think carefully, human, for this mission will lead you close to death. Are you prepared to embark on this mission?)

Yes (Yes)

Malor: Well, listen. We are trying to acquire the ultimate weapon to defeat Gabel: Fa’hradin’s lamp! …
(Well, listen. We’re trying to acquire the final weapon to defeat Gabel: Fa’hradin’s lamp! …)

At the moment it is still in the possession of that good old friend of mine, the Orc King, who kindly released me from it. …
(At the moment it is still in the possession of an old friend of mine, the Orc King, who friendlyly freed me from it…)

However, for some reason he is not as friendly as he used to be. You better watch out, human, because I don’t think you will get the lamp without a fight. …
(However, for some reason he is no longer as friendly as he used to be. You better watch out, human, because I don’t think you’ll get the lamp without a fight. …)

Once you have found the lamp you must enter Ashta’daramai again. Sneak into Gabel’s personal chambers and exchange his sleeping lamp with Fa’hradin’s lamp! …
(Once you have the lamp, you must enter Ashta’daramai again. Sneak into Gabel’s personal quarters and swap his sleeping lamp for Fa’hradin’s lamp! …)

If you succeed, the war could be over one night later!
(If you succeed, the war could end in one night!)

Bye (Goodbye)

Malor: Farewell, human. When I have taken my rightful place I shall remember those who served me well. Even if they are only humans.
(See you later, human. When I have taken the right place, I will remember those who have served me well. Even if they’re just human.)

After talking to Malor, you’ll immediately know what your difficult last mission is: Go to the Orcs fortress at Ulderek’s Rock and get the Fa’hradin lamp, then place it in Gabel’s room, located in Ashta’daramai Palace.

First Dialogue with Orc King

Hi (Hello)

The Orc King:
Arrrrgh! A dirty paleskin! To me my children! Kill them my guards!
(Arrrrgh! Dirty pale skin! Come to my children! Kill them, my guards!)

Second Dialogue with Orc King

Hi (Hello)

The Orc King:
Harrrrk! You think you are strong now? You will never escape my wrath! I am immortal!
(Harrrrk! Do you think you’re strong now? You’ll never escape my fury!

Lamp (Lamp)

The Orc King: I can sense your evil intentions to imprison a djinn! You are longing for the lamp, which I still possess. …
(I can feel your evil intentions of locking up a Djinn! You need the lamp, which I still own. …)

The Orc King:
Who do you want to trap in this cursed lamp?
(Who do you want to catch in this cursed lamp?)


The Orc King:
I was waiting for this day! Take the lamp and let Malor feel my wrath!
(I was waiting for this day! Take the lamp and let Malor feel my fury!)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

The Orc King:
We will meet again.
(We’ll see each other again.)

After completing the dialogue with the Orc King, you will receive fa’hradin’s lamp. With it, you can complete the Quest by placing it in Gabel’s room, which is where you need to go now. You can leave the strength of the Orcs and Ulderek’s Rock by following the same route we’ve specified so far.

In time we’ll have to go back to Blue Djinn Fortress. We’ll go to the highest level of him.

At the back of the room you will find a lamp similar to the one given to you by the Orc King. Use the lamp in the room to replace it with the one you’re wearing (a red flash will appear over the lamp, indicating that you’ve done well). Gabel’s lamp will appear on the floor, pick it up.

Having done this, leave the tower down to the floor of the Stone Golem. Once outside, return to Mal’ouquah and let Malor know about your mission.

Second Dialogue with Malor

Player: Hi (Hello)

Greetings, human [nombre]. My patience with your kind is limited, so speak quickly and choose your words well.
(Greetings, human [nombre]. My patience with your kind is limited, so speak fast and choose your words well.)

Mission (Mission)

Have you found Fa’hradin’s lamp and placed it in Gabel’s personal chambers?
(Have you found Fa’hradin’s lamp and placed it in his personal quarters?)

Yes (Yes)

Well well, human. So you really have made it – you have smuggled the modified lamp into Gabel’s bedroom! …
(Good, human. So seriously you’ve made it – you’ve placed the modified lamp in Gabel’s room! …)

I never thought I would say this to a human, but I must confess I am impressed. …
(I never thought I would say this to a human, but I must confess that I am impressed. …)

Perhaps I have underestimated you and your kind after all. …
(Maybe I underestimated you and your race after all. …)

Malor: I guess I will take this as a lesson to keep in mind when I meet you on the battlefield. …
(I guess I’ll take this as a lesson to keep in mind when you face them in battle. …)

But that’s in the future. For now, I will confine myself to give you the permission to trade with my people whenever you want to. …
(But that in the future. For now, I’ll confine myself to giving you permission to trade with my people whenever you want. …)

Farewell, human!
(See you later, human!)

At the end of the dialogue, you will have finished the Quest and have obtained permission to exchange with the Npcs Alesar and Yaman. In addition, you can talk to Malor again to start a Killing in the Name of… Quest. Finally, you keep the lamp you got in Gabel’s room, so keep it. Enjoy your reward!

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