How to change my Main Character

Cipsoft has just implemented a system that helps us identify the Main char of an account.

This character will be used in the friends list after the release of the summer update to represent your account so others can identify you.

For accounts that only had hidden chars,a new character has been created automatically as main char

For those who already had 20 chars,the hidden state of the lowest level character has been removed to set it as the main character.

Cipsoft has added a FREE Main Character Change voucher to each account to change the main character of your account by following these steps:

Log in and go to:

Then to manage Account:

Find the section: Products Ready To Use and you will find your Main Character Change Vaucher for free, click configure.

Right there you can see what your Main char is currently and you can select the new one, remember that it should not be hidden, once selected click on continue:

He’ll ask you to confim, just confirm.

Ready, your Main character has changed.

Remember that if you need to change your char main again, you must buy a Main Character Change Vaucher in the store.

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