Balancing Project Changes

warm ears,

First of all, we I would like to thank you once again for your participation in the survey, your ongoing discussions on the forum, and your detailed analyses.

Our overall goal is to provide bi-weekly patches. Next week is an exception, as we also plan to make some adjustments to the map design of the Rust Ascendants hunting grounds.

For this week and today’s patch, we’ve made the following changes to those hunting grounds:

General Settings

Relocation of teleporter entry points.

We’ve received a lot of feedback that players die while getting stuck in teleport entrances. Therefore, we changed the entry points of the center right next to the teleports to give players the opportunity to leave the hunting grounds when they are trapped.

Increased experience gain from Ruthless Seven and Ferumbras minions

  • Plagirath Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Zamulosh Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Mazorana Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Razzagorn Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Ragiaz Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Tarbaz Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Shulgrax Experience 50,000 –> 250,000 XP
  • Mortal Shell Ferumbras Experience 100,000 –> 500,000 XP

In line with our last major updates, we’re increasing the experience gained by bosses to reward the effort you put into these fights.

Increased Respawn Rate

  • Grounds of Undeath first level respawn rate increased by 17%.
  • Grounds of Despair deepest level respawn rate increased by 17%.

Monster Settings

We’ve received a lot of feedback about the Ferumbras’ hunting grounds, with the most prominent topics being efficiency in gaining experience and the abundance of various disadvantages. With the following changes, we’d like to address feedback and improve your hunting experience.


  • Increased 3555 XP Experience –> 3800 XP

This will mainly improve the Plague Grounds and will also affect Roshamuul Prison, Pits of Hell, Halls of Ascension, and others.


  • Experience increased from 3600 –> 4000 XP
  • Reduced handicap of the melee fighting skill.

This will primarily improve Grounds of Fire and will also affect Oramond Mountain Hideout, Fury Hell, The Extension Site, and others.

Skinner of Hell

  • Increased experience of 11,000 –> 11,720 XP

This will affect most terrains.


  • Hit points reduced from 20,000 to 18,000 HP.

This will mainly affect the Destruction Grounds.

Hellfire Fighter

  • Experience increased from 3120 –> 3400 XP
  • Reduced the chance of the Incendiary Bomb and its affected tiles.

This will primarily improve the Fire Grounds and will also affect Fury Hell, Pits of Inferno, and others.

Blight Walker

  • Hit points reduced from 8900 to 8100 HP.
  • Reduced chance and duration of the speed debuff.
  • Reduced likelihood of applying the effect of drunkenness.

This will primarily improve the Undead Grounds.

Undead Dragon

  • Increased sensitivity to ice from 50 to 90.

This will primarily improve the Undead Grounds.


  • Reduced chance of summoning copies.

This will primarily improve the Grounds of Deceit and will also affect Demon Forge, Drefia Spirit Grounds, and Pits of Inferno.


  • Increased experience of 1,666 –> 1,800 XP

This will primarily improve Grounds of Deceit and will also affect Oramond Mountain Hideout, Formorgar Mines, Pits of Inferno, and others.

Hand of Cursed Fate

  • Hit points reduced from 7500 to 6600 HP.
  • Significantly reduced flight threshold
  • Reduced Mana Drain Damage
  • Some player debuffs no longer trigger simultaneously

This will primarily improve the Reasons for Despair.

This concludes our initial adjustment of the equilibrium project.

If you have any questions or comments about the balance of the hunting ground and especially about the Rising of Shoefers, please visit us in the thread of this news article.

Happy hunting,
Shazaya and Ilyndor

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