Balance Project

Tibianos ear!

In our Latest survey, we asked you which hunting grounds need the most improvement and in what aspects. Of the 60,000 invited accounts, more than 8,000 completed the survey. A huge thank you to all participants for their invaluable contributions.

This survey is the beginning of a new project focused on perfecting hunting grounds, supported by your input and supported by our data. Here are our next steps:

Feedback Analysis: We are currently reviewing your responses to better understand your feedback and evaluate potential adjustments.

Implementation of changes: Through regular balance patches through the end of May, we plan to introduce improvements based on your feedback. These updates may include experimental tweaks beyond simple numerical changes, as part of our effort to improve your hunting experience. Some of these changes may also require further adjustments to achieve the desired goals.

We consider this project as an opportunity to learn more about what makes hunting enjoyable for you and use this knowledge to make your gaming experience even more exciting. In this context, we will also try to improve the less populated hunting grounds and look for possible ways to make them a viable option again.

Our first patch is scheduled to be released next week and will focus on the areas that are part of the “Rising of Fever” mission. This decision was already made before the survey, taking into account the feedback we received over the past few years.

Again, we are grateful for your participation and look forward to further improving the hunting grounds of Tibia with your help over the coming months.

Stay tuned,
your Tibia team

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