Troll Sabotage Quest
Complete guide to finish Troll Sabotage Quest
- Type of quest
- Level
- Premium
- Map area
Main Quest
Recommendation: Do the quest by day, as at night come Werefox, Werebadger, Wereboar.
Monsters to face


The Sabotage Quest Troll is quite simple and rewards a useful item that can help any player who wants a little more ability to carry more gear. This Quest belongs to the Tibia Tales Quest series and will be displayed in your Quest Log as such.
We will depart from the castle of edron,
we have to go and look for npC Jerom, which is located northwest of edron: When we arrive with him, we will talk to him and ask him for a mission. He wants you to help him retrieve a necklace, since a troll stole it and wants to rebuild his house.

Player: Hi
Jerom: Hello. Sorry, but I’m not in the best mood today.
Player: mission
Jerom: I’m not sure but I suppose that an evil troll lives in the mountains here! I saw him rummaging in the ruins of my house. …
Jerom: I took a closer look and found my family casket ripped open. It contained a precious necklace. If I had it back, I could sell it and start over! …
Jerom: Could you look for this mean beast, find out why he did it and either get me some money or my necklace to rebuild my business?
Jerom: Great! Finally, some light at the end of the tunnel! Come back and ask me for the quest when you solved this mystery!

Now we will climb the mountain up the southern stairs:

We will walk from point A to point B we will go down the stairs (here you will find Bat’s)

We’ll walk from point A to point B, we’ll go into the water we have to take the helmet of the deep post to pass inside the waterfall

As we enter through the waterfall we will be inside it, we will swim to the swirl indicating the arrow

Now we’ll walk to the left and go up the stairs

We keep going up

We’ll walk from point A to point B

We’ll keep going up the mountain

We’ll keep going up

We keep going up

We keep going up

Here you have to be careful, when crossing the invisible bridge with the boots of haste, because if you return you will no longer be able to pass.

We’ll go up the stairs and talk to NPC Chief Grarkharok to get you the Jerom’s family necklace as follows:
Chief Grakharok:
Me Chief Grarkharok! Don’t do nothing!
kill you
Chief Grakharok:
Hrhrhrhr! I don’t fear of human! Me Chief Grarkharok!!
Chief Grakharok: You help?? Human know troll lady for Grarkharok??
Chief Grakharok: What name of troll lady??
Chief Grakharok:
(Character Name) ?!? Sound good! Bring troll lady to Grarkharok!! Here, give troll lady! Take take! Bring lady to Grarkharok for make tribe!! Now GO!

And now we’re back with NPC Jerom to give him Jerom’s family necklace and trade it for the Elvenhair Rope

Troll Sabotage Quest Finished
You can now terminate Troll Sabotage Quest
Credits: Jashi

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