To make it easier for new players to get used to Tibia, we’ve made adjustments to the game’s introduction.

Most of the changes will only be of interest to beginners, but some topics may also be noticeable to established players.

The most important changes are:

  • After initially changing vocations, players will now only change vocations when stepping on specific platforms designated for each vocation. This change replaces the previous mechanism where players automatically changed their vocation when going through doors.
  • Knight and Paladin vocations have received a new offensive spell, which is available for learning and use in Dawnport. These spells, “Lesser Front Sweep” and “Lesser Aether Spear,” are especially appealing to beginners, as they offer a more dynamic gameplay experience right from the start. Both are less potent versions but functionally equivalent to standard spells.
  • The new main starting area, after leaving Dawnport, “Thais Peninsula”, allows players to begin their journey to southeast Thais. In this area, players can embark on a new beginner’s quest that includes new creatures, offered by NPC Hector.
  • Pop-ups have been improved to give new players a better understanding of the game’s essential vocations and mechanics.
    Added UI options include the ability to resize the game window and chat feature to enhance the gaming experience.

For current players, the highlights of the new version are as follows:

For current players, the most notable themes of the updates mentioned above are the modifications to the area surrounding Thais, such as the addition of new monsters for the beginner’s quest, which are also introduced to the bestiary, the new attack spells for the knight and paladin vocations, and the scaling modifications made to the user interface.

We hope that these new features will simplify the initiation process for newcomers and spark greater interest in Tibia among potential players.

See you in Tibia,
Your Community Managers

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