Deeper Fibula Quest
Want to know how to complete Deeper Fibula Quest? In have prepared the following guide so you can complete it, don’t forget to share it with your friends.
Main Quest.
No Premium Required
Thais, Fibula.

The island of Fibula is one of the loneliest and furthest places in Tibia. Deprived of boats or any type of transport to the mainland, the only way to get to the island is through an underground tunnel. This situation of loneliness and remoteness from the rest of the world is due to several reasons.
A long time ago, there was an island similar to Fibula, located north of it, called Calcanea. Like Fibula, it had a small village where fishermen, hunters and farmers lived more than anything and, again, like Fibula, Calcanea had under its soil ancient dungeons and caves of unknown origin that were sealed for the good of its community. One day, a Giant Spider escaped from those caves and killed all the inhabitants of the island. Upon learning of this, many fibula settlers decided to flee the island for fear of a situation similar to that of Calcanea.
In addition to what happened in Calcanea and the desperate exodus of the inhabitants of Fibula, rumors tell that a huge sea beast surrounds the seas of the island, causing navigators to refuse to approach with their boats for their own safety.
Although over the years, nothing has escaped from the fibula caves to torment the few settlers who still inhabit the island, no one feels safe living in Fibula, especially since of the few expeditions that have dared to go down to the dungeons, none have returned alive.
The Deeper Fibula Quest will take us to the bottom of the Fibula caves and face the mysteries that lie there. It is one of the most popular Quests for players of all kinds, especially for players with Free Account. The reward is quite good and useful, plus it can be sold at good prices on all servers.
Required Items:
– 800gp or 2000gp.
– Destroy Field Runes.
Deep Way to the Unknown

Before heading towards the caves, you need to get Key 3940 in order to open the door that leads us to them. You can get the key by buying it from Dermot, the head of the island, or Simon The Beggar, a beggar who got the key in a dirtier way. It is, by the way, more convenient to buy it from Simon The Beggar, as he will charge you only 800gp in total, while Dermot sells you the key at 2000gp.
Once you go down the well marked in yellow above follow the next route until you reach the place marked with the box (you may need to use the key in this part).

Go down and head to the circle in yellow and go down again:

Now that you’re down through the level 50 gate, and through the portal, you’ll be teleported to a place deep in Fibula.
The first thing you have to do is go for the key to the left, you’ll find it here:

Already having the key you can go all the way that I let you continue with

You must follow the yellow route to reach your rewards which are enclosed on the map with blue dots, and places enclosed in yellow are key points.
Once you have checked all the above points go out through the portal enclosed in yellow on the map and you will be teleported to the beginning of the cave again.

Enjoy your reward!

Deeper Fibula Quest
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