Arito’s Task Quest

Arito's Task Quest

Arito's Task Quest

We'll help Aritos clear his name and clear up the situation, don't miss Arito's Task Quest.

Main Quest

No minimum LVL required.

If premium is required.


Monsters you can hunt


Rewards at the end of the

50 Platinum coins


The Nomads, called to themselves the true sons of Daraman, have a rather strange culture with diverse and strange traditions. Many of their adventures, plans and activities are a complete mystery to all people outside of them, so they protect their secrets very severely, even if it means killing some people or dirtyly eliminating these “threats”.

Arito’s Task Quest is pretty popular lately. The reward is very useful and the Quest is not so difficult. In fact, any character with a relatively good defense or some gear to heal can make it run. Most Premium players make it for easy money and then continue with the Nomads Land Quest to double their winnings.

Required Items:
– Rope or the “Magic Rope” spell.
– Parchment (Nomads’ Deathlist).
– Scimitar.
– Water (in any liquid container).

Arito in Trouble – Arito’s Task Quest

To start this Quest, you need to get a special Parchment that is only Loot from Nomads. You can find Nomads in the camps west of Darashia, in the Oasis north of Ankrahmun, and in the ruins of ancient Ruins Tomb. Although it is difficult to get it out, it is not impossible; although it’s also possible to buy it, but that’s up to you.

You see a parchment.
It weighs 2.00 oz.
It seems to be a list of people to be eliminated. The first name on the list is ‘Arito’.

As you can see, the Parchment consists of a list of people who must be eliminated. The first name on the list is Arito, the young man who attends The Old Scarab’s Tavern in Ankrahmun.

Once you’ve earned the Parchment, head to the city of Ankrahmun. From the Depot, walk southwest towards the port, but upon reaching it, continues to move west to reach the post office (A). Climb to the second floor of this place to meet you at Old Scarab’s Tavern. Go to the bar and talk to Arito.

First Dialogue with Arito

Hi (Hello)

Be mourned, pilgrim in flesh. Be mourned in my tavern.
(Be welcome, pilgrim of meat. Welcome to my tavern.)

Mission (Mission)

Well there is nothing you can do for me or is there anything that makes you think differently?
(Well, is there nothing you can do for me or is there anything that makes you think differently?)


What?? My name on a deathlist which you retrieved from a nomad?? Show me!! …
(What?? My name on a death list you got from a Nomad?? Show!! …)

Oh my god! They found me! You must help me! Please!!!! Are you willing to do that?
(Oh my God! They found me! You must help me! Please!!!! Are you willing to do that?)

Yes (Yes)

Thank you thousand times! Well, I think I should start telling you what I think they are after. …
(Thank you very much! Well, I think I should start by telling you what I think you’re looking for. …)

You have to know, I was one of them before I opened that shop here. Sure they fear about their hideout being revealed by me. Please go to the north, there is a small cave in the mountains with a rock in the middle. …
(You should know, I was one of them before you opened this store. I’m sure they’re afraid their hiding place will be revealed by me. Please go north, there’s a little cave in the mountains with a rock in the middle. …)

If you stand in front of it, place a scimitar – which is the weapon of the nomads – left of you and make a sacrifice to the earth by pouring some water on the floor to your right. …
(If you stand in front of it, place a Scimitar – which is the weapon of the Nomads – to your left and make a sacrifice to the earth by pouring water on the ground on your right…)

The entrance to their hideout will be revealed in front of you. I don’t know who is in charge there right now but please tell him that I won’t spoil their secret. …
(The entrance to his hiding place will be revealed in front of you. We don’t know who’s in charge there now, but please tell him I won’t reveal his secret. …)

Well, I just told you but anyway …. I won’t tell it to anybody else. Now hurry up before they get here!!
(Well, I just told you, but anyway…. I won’t tell anyone else. Now hurry up before they come here!!)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

Do visit us again. (Visit us again.)


Nomads Hideout

Now get out of there and head to one of the city exits. Once you’ve left Ankrahmun, walk north, as if you’re trying to reach the mountain that serves as a way between this city and Darashia. Go a little further to the right and you will find some stairs that enter the mountain (B), go up them.

You will find yourself in the place mentioned by Arito above. You see, in the center of the room, a rock and some cracks next to it. Stand in front of the rock and place a Scimitar over the cracks to place it and, on the right, pour water using some container of liquids.

Arito's Task Quest

As soon as you do this, you’ll see the entrance appear in front of your eyes. However, this entry only appears temporarily and, in addition, if you or any other player goes down the stairs, they will disappear and you will have to use another Scimitar and place the water once again if you want to make them appear again, so take a good look that the one who accompanies you knows it or if when you go down you go back up by accident.

Go through the portal, from now on Scorpions and Nomads will attack you, so be prepared, follow the following maps to reach your destination, from the portal walks north and down:

Arito's Task Quest

You’ll show up at the point (C), follow the route to the point (D).

Arito's Task Quest

Get on point (D) and go to the point (E) and low.

Arito's Task Quest

When you go down follow the route and go up to the point (F)

Arito's Task Quest

As you climb you will find the npc Muhad leader of the northern nomadic tribe:


First Dialogue with the Leader


Be greeted, foreigner under the sun of Darama.


After dialogue with Muhad, walk to the left and climb the stairs he mentioned. You will face a few Scorpions and Rotworms in this section, until you reach a door, which you have to be able to open if you followed the directions. Keep walking and you’ll find a place to climb (G). When you leave, you’ll find yourself directly south of the stairs you came to the Nomads’ hideout. Walk south back to Ankrahmun and once there, head to Arito.

Arito's Task Quest

Second Dialogue with Arito

Hi (Hello)

Thank god you are back!! Did you find… Err… what we’re talking about?
(Thank God you’re back!! Found… Err… that’s what we’re talking about?)

Yes (Yes)

And what did they say?? Do I have to give up everything here? Come on tell me!!
(And what did they say? Do I have to give up on everything here? Let’s tell me!!)

Acquitted (Abssolved)

These are great news!! Thank you for your help! I don’t have much, but without you I wouldn’t have anything so please take this as a reward.
(This is great news!! Thank you for your help! I don’t have much, but without you I wouldn’t have anything so please take this as a reward.)

Bye (Goodbye)

Do visit us again. (Visit us again.)

Now get out of there and enjoy your reward. It should be said that the Quest is not completely over, since Muhad also gave you a mission, but this is part of the Nomads Land Quest. It’s not a bad idea to continue the Quest immediately and finish it, increasing your winnings.

Arito's Task Quest Finished

You can now end Arito's Task Quest.

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