Interestingly for a few months we have noticed that many Tibians send us direct messages on our instagram account to ask questions about Tibia, although we do not always have the answer we try to help at all times.

For days it occurred to us to do this section where you can ask all the questions you have, I am sure that the same staff and community would like to help you if you have any questions. Now the whole system is up and running and ready to publish and answer questions.

Who answers the questions?

Anyone registered with Tibiapedia can answer the questions, among the whole community we will try to help you. Just as you can also ask anyone registered can answer questions.

Is it linked to the activity system?

Of course, every question you ask or every question you answer will award you points that go directly to your account, which you can exchange for prizes you can see here: Activity System Rewards.

  • Asking 1 question gives you: 1 Point.
  • Answer 1 question gives you 1 Point.
  • Answer selected as TOP gives you: 3 Points.

This section was built for all of you and surely other people also have the same question, so we can help the Tibian community more.

Currently the section is available only in Spanish, but we do not close to expanding this feature to other languages.

How about the new section?

As always, your comments and suggestions are very important to us.

Good Tibian Hunt.

20% de descuento usando el cupon: Tibiapedia

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