Pirate Marauder

Novice of the Cult

Pirate Cutthroat

Thornback Tortoise

Pirate Buccaneer


Pirate Corsair


- Access to Nargor.
- Pirate Outfit.
- Model Ship.
To begin the Quest, you must head towards Meriana and gain the trust of the island’s NPCs.
Head over to NPC Raymond Striker and you’ll say “Hi, Mermaid, Mission“.
Now, talk to Ariella and you must give her 100 Bread.
Say this: “Hi, Mission, Mission, Yes.”
When you find NPC Karl, tell him the following: “Hi, Whisper Beer, Yes.” Return to NPC Ariella and report your mission by saying, “Hi, Mission, Yes.”
Go to NPC Morgan and you must say, “Hi, Mission, Yes.”
Morgan will give you a letter that you must deliver to Eremo.
Go to Cormaya and then Eremond, you will be transported to a small island where the NPC Eremo is located.
Say “Hi, Letter.”
He returns to Morgan to report his mission, telling him, “Hi, Mission.”
Go to NPC Duncan in Meriana and he’ll ask for an Atlas.
This Atlas can be obtained with the Berenice NPC in Liberty Bay for 150gp.
Once you have the Atlas, say the following to NPc Duncan: “Hi, Mission, Mission, Yes”.
For the next mission, you must head north of Meriana Island with the NPC Chondur.
When you find him, say the following: “Hi, Mission.” Chondur, will ask you for 5 pirate voodoo dolls, once you have them you will say: “Hi, Mission, Yes” repeat the dialogue until the NPC removes all the Pirate Voodoo Doll from your backpack.
Ray's Mission 1: The Fafnar's Fire
Head back to NPC Raymond Striker and say the following: “Hi, Mission.” Raymond will ask him to go with the NPC Sandra located in the X – Edron. Once there, you will say the following: “Hi, Fafnar Fire, Yes, Your continued existence is payment enough“
Go back to Raymond Striker to report your mission, tell him the following: “Hi, Mission, Mission, Mission.”
And with this, you will have access to Nargor Island.
Tortoise Egg from Nargor Mission
Note: This quest can be done at the same time as the Sabotage quest.
Ask Raymond Striker for the mission and he will tell you that you should talk to Duncan, once with Duncan tell him the following: “Hi, Mission, Yes”.
Duncan will ask her to rescue some Tortoise Eggs in Nargor.
To go to Nargor, talk to NPC Sebastian and tell him, “Hi, Nargor, Yes.”
To get to the Tortoise Eggs follow the map below:
On the way down, you will find a Thornback Tortoise, kill it and open the turtle nest.
Now you must go back to Duncan and tell him the following: “Hi, Mission, Yes“.
Ray's Mission 2: Sabotage
Talk to NPC Raymond Striker and say, “Hi, Mission, Mission.”
Raymond Striker will ask you to go all the way to Nargor and use a Fire Bug on a catapult.
Follow the map below:
Go back to Raymond to report and say the following: “Hi, Mission.”
Ray's Mission 3: Spy Mission
Talk to Raymond Striker and say the following: “Hi, Mission.”
Raymond will ask you to infiltrate the tavern in Nargor and study the 3 pirate maps.
For this you will need the Pirate Set.
Follow the map below to find the NPC Vulturenose:
When you arrive with the NPC Vulturenose, put on the Pirate set and tell him: “Hi, Enter” and you will have access to the tavern.
Once inside, go up 1 floor and you will find pirates of all kinds.
Kill them or just ignore them.
Now, you will need to use the maps of the pirates found in 3 different spots in the tavern as shown in the map below:
Once you’ve read all the maps by clicking on it, go back to Raymond Striker to report and say the following: “Hi, Mission.”
Ray's Mission 4: Proof of Death
He asks Raymond for another mission: “Hi, Mission“. Return to the Tavern, but you won’t need the Pirate Set this time. To the north where he read the maps is the NPC Klaus. When you find him, tell him: “Hi. Mission“.
Klaus will ask her to murder Raymond Striker and bring him his pillow as proof of his death. Now, go back to Raymond and report your mission. “Hi, Mission” Raymond Striker will hand you a Striker’s Favourite Pillow and ask to deliver it to Klaus at the tavern.
When you arrive with Klaus, you’ll say the following: “Hi, Mission.” Once you’ve done this, go back to Raymond and tell him the following: “Hi, Mission, Outfit” and he’ll give you the Pirate Outfit and a Model Ship.
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