¡The evil Devourer is about to rise from the depths of her nefarious kingdom!
Gather your friends and call for a truce with your enemies, because this is a battle you can’t hope to win alone.
Work as a team to defeat the nightmarish incarnations of that bloodthirsty offspring of absolute evil!

After the server save on September 1st, mystical portals will appear all over Tibia! Those who deem themselves strong enough to survive the devastating horror that awaits on the other side of those portals must coordinate their attacks. Teamwork is the key to success! ¡
Hurry up and defeat all the gruesome incarnations to face the mighty Devourer in a final battle!

Remember: Stage 2 (Devovorga incarnations) must be completed before the server save on September 6 or your world will not be able to advance to Stage 3 (Flowers of Doom) in time.

If your world manages to kill Devourer before the server save on September 7, it will benefit from +50% health and mana regeneration and XP for oversized monsters will increase by 15% during the month of September.

We’ve also made some improvements to the event which you can read about here .

Return Devourer to the abyss!
Your Community Managers

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