Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame is the list of the best scores in our activity system, the best users are here.

[ultimatemember form_id="6337"]
- Magis 2,039
- Milie 1,654
- Eri 1,580
- Dyaniixz 1,536
- Eve 975
- WalderMartz 944
- Loth Sebas 847
- Pyzaa 839
- Ghost 725
- Claraa 711
- Oriibsz 598
- Tynusiiaa 451
- Psykeeh 348
- Norelli 311
- Jashi 287
- LehulaDohon 284
- Vander 280
- Ashly Blubaugh 271
- Andrés 233
- Jackzin 221
- ByKnightNarco 207
- Lady TapCoins 195
- Emmanuel Andres 170
- A.Escobar 150
- Max druid 112