The Thieves Guild Quest

The Thieves Guild Quest

Guia completa para terminar The Thieves Guild Quest

Main Quest

No hay requerimiento de nivel



Monstruos que enfrentaras

Dark Apprentice
Wild Warrior
Wild Warrior
Dark Monk
Dark Monk
Stone Golem
Dark Magician
Dark Magician
Demon Skeleton
Demon Skeleton
Dark Magician
Cave Rat
Cave Rat
Poison spider
Dark Magician
Smuggler Baron Silvertoe
Rukor Zad
Rukor Zad


Assassin Dagger
Assassin Dagger
Modified Crossbow
Modified Crossbow
Spellbook of Warding
Spellbook of Warding
Achivement Grado 1
Achievement Amateur Actor (Grado 1)
Achievement Grado 2
Achievement Master Thief (Grado 2)

Habilidad de comercializar con Black Bert.



Tibia es un mundo muy amplio y es bastante normal que, por la misma razón, encontremos una gran diversidad de personas dispuestas a lograr sus metas a cualquier precio. Obviamente, siempre habrá personajes que intentarán cumplir sus objetivos de la manera más sucia y eventualmente, se encontrarán con otras personas con fines similares y que planean lograrlos por los mismos medios. Entonces se forman organizaciones. Una de ellas es la Thieves Guild, poco conocida por su nombre pero sí muy buscada por sus actos. Los miembros de esta organización se encargan de obtener lo que buscan a cualquier precio, engañando, robando, escabulléndose, mintiendo e incluso matando si es necesario.
El The Thieves Guild Quest nos llevará precisamente a unirnos a la Thieves Guild, comandada por Dorian, un ladrón profesional que se esconde en algún sitio de la ciudad de Thais. Esta Quest es muy útil para aquellos que pierden sus Items de Quest, además de que da tres recompensas (sólo puedes elegir una) muy útiles.
Dirígete a Thais al lugar marcado en el mapa, baja las escaleras que están a la derecha del barco. Sigue el camino y encontrarás a Dorian.
The Thieves Guild Quest

Una vez ahí deberás unirte a su Hermandad de ladrones:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: thieves / join

Dorian: Hm. Well, we could use some fresh blood. Ahum. Do you want to join the thieves guild, PLAYER?


Dorian: Excellent. You’ll learn this trade from scratch. Our operations cover many fields of work. Some aren’t even illegal. …

Dorian: Well, as long as you don’t get caught at least. Ask me for a mission whenever you’re ready.

Después dile “mission” para que te entregue tu primera misión:

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Your first job is quite easy. The Thaian officials are unwilling to share the wealth they’ve accumulated in their new town Port Hope. …

Dorian: They insist that most resources belong to the crown. This is quite sad, especially ivory is in high demand. Collect 10 elephant tusks and bring them to me.


Dorian te contará que los oficiales de Tiquanda no están dispuestos a compartir las riquezas que han acumulado, así que, como primera misión te pide que recolectes 10 elephant tusks. Estos los puedes recolectarlos de Elephants aunque es raro que los looteen, de la Elephant Tusk Quest (2) o puedes comprarlos a otros jugadores. Una vez hayas recolectado los Tusks, vuelve con Dorian para entregárselos:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: What a fine material. That will be worth a coin or two. So far, so good. Ask me for another mission if you’re ready for it.


Un cliente de la hermandad esta interesado en “cierto” jarrón, desafortunadamente no está a la venta por el dueño original. Pero con mucho gusto ustedes pueden vendérselo. Así que, para tu siguiente misión, tendrás que conseguir ese jarrón.

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: A client of our guild would like to get a certain vase. Unfortunately, it’s not for sale. Well, by the original owner, that is. …

Dorian: We, on the other hand, would gladly sell him the vase. Therefore, it would come in handy if we get this vase in our hands. …

Dorian: Luckily, the walls of the owner’s house are covered with vines, that will make a burglary quite easy. …

Dorian: You’ll still need some lock picks to get the chest open in which the vase is stored. Must be your lucky day, as I’m selling lock picks for a fair price. …

Dorian: You might need some of them to get that chest open. The soon to be ex-owner of that vase is Sarina, the proprietor of Carlin’s general store.

Toma tus Lock Picks y dirígete a Carlin, sigue el mapa hasta el lugar marcado, usa las enredaderas para trepar, una vez dentro de la tienda usa los Lock Picks en el cofre hasta que se abra.

The Thieves Guild Quest
Valuable Vase
You see a valuable vase. It weighs 10.00 oz.

Cuando tengas el jarrón en tus manos, vuelve con Dorian, tan solo usa la ventana por la que subiste:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: What an ugly vase. But who am I to question the taste of our customers? Anyway, I might have another mission in store for you.


Dorian te contará que el Rey Tiabianus hará una gran fiesta a fin de mes, desafortunadamente olvidó invitarlos, claro que sería una grosería hacerle notar su error, así que tu misión será conseguir la invitación, habla con Dorian.

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Our beloved king will hold a great festivity at the end of the month. Unfortunately he forgot to invite one of our guild’s representatives. …

Dorian: Of course it would be rude to point out this mistake to the king. It will be your job to get us an invitation to the ball. …

Dorian: Moreover, it will be a great chance to check the castle for, well, opportunities. I’m sure you understand. However, it’s up to that pest Oswald to give out invitations, so he’s the man you’re looking for.

Dirígete con Oswald en Thais y cómprale una invitación (1,000 gps):


Oswald: Oh, hello PLAYER. What is it? Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: invitation

Oswald: What? So why in the world should I give you an invitation? It’s not as if you were someone important, are you?

PLAYER: gold

Oswald: Not that I am bribeable but I doubt that you own 1000 gold pieces. Or do you?


Oswald: Well, rich and generous people are always welcome in the palace.If you donate 1000 gold to a fund I oversee, I’ll give you an invitation, ok?


Oswald: Excellent! Here is your invitation!

You see an invitation. It weighs 0.10 oz. It is the invitation to the king's ball.

Cuando la tengas en tu poder, ve con Dorian y entrégasela:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: Ah, the key to untold riches. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure that no one will connect you to the disappearance of certain royal possessions. …

Dorian: You’re too valuable to us. Speaking about your value, I might have some other mission for you.


Tu próxima misión es algo más grande y estoy segura de que será muy divertida para ti (o al menos eso piensa Dorian). 

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Your next mission is somewhat bigger and I’m sure much fun for you. Some newly-rich merchant is being a bit more greedy than it’s good for him. …

Dorian: The good thing is he’s as stupid as greedy, so we have a little but cunning plan. We arranged the boring correspondence in advance, so you’ll come in when the fun starts. …

Dorian: You’ll disguise yourself as the dwarven ambassador and sell that fool the old dwarven bridge, south of Kazordoon. …

Dorian: Well, actually it is a bit more complicated than that. Firstly, you’ll have to get forged documents. Ask around in the criminal camp to find a forger. …

Dorian: Secondly, you’ll need a disguise. Percybald in Carlin is an eccentric actor that might help you with that. …

Dorian: As soon as you got both things, travel to Venore and find the merchant Nurik. Trade the false documents for the famous painting of Mina Losa and bring it to me.

Un comerciante recientemente rico, está siendo un poco más codicioso de lo que es bueno para él. Lo bueno es que Él es tan tonto como es codicioso, así que Dorian tiene un plan muy astuto.

Te disfrazaras del Emperador de los Enanos y le venderás el viejo puente al sur de Kazordoon a cambio de la famosa pintura de la Mina Losa, para esto tendrás que conseguir unos documentos falsificados (viaja a Outlaw Camp para conseguirlos) y un disfraz del emperador (Percybald es un actor excéntrico en Carlin que podría ayudarte con eso).

Viaja Venore y dirigete a Outlaw camp y habla con Snake Eye sobre los documentos:


Snake Eye: Hi PLAYER. Come in and have a drink.

PLAYER: documents
Snake Eye: Funny thing that everyone thinks we have forgers for fake documents here. But no, we don’t. The best forger is old Ahmet in Ankrahmun.

Snake Eye te dirá que es gracioso que la gente piense que hay falsificadores en Outlaw Camp y que el mejor falsificador es Ahmet, que está en Ankrahmun.
Viaja a Ankrahmun y busca a Ahment, se encuentra en la torre al norte del Depot, un piso arriba.

Cuando lo encuentres habla con el:


Ahmet: Be mourned pilgrim in flesh. I’m selling general goods. Just ask me for a trade.

PLAYER: documents
Ahmet: You need some forged documents? But I will only forge something for a friend. …
Ahmet: The nomads at the northern oasis killed someone dear to me. Go and kill at least one of them, then we talk about your document.

Él te pedirá que mates a un nomada, ya que ellos mataron a alguien que el estimaba.

Ve a la salida norte de Ankrahmun y dirígete al Oasis, mata al menos a un nomada y vuelve con Ahmet:


Ahmet: Be mourned pilgrim in flesh. I’m selling general goods. Just ask me for a trade.

PLAYER: documents

Ahmet: The slayer of my enemies is my friend! For a mere 1000 gold I will create the documents you need. Are you interested?

Ahmet: And here they are! Now forget where you got them from.

You see a deed of ownership.
It weighs 1.50 oz.
It declares the ownership of the dwarf bridge, but is obviously a fake.

Ahmet te entregara el documento falsificado, cuando lo tengas ve a Carlin para conseguir la otra pieza clave de esta misión el disfraz del emperador.

Una vez ahí busca a Percyvald y habla con el:


Percybald: Be greeted PLAYER! Please don’t interrupt me for too long!

PLAYER: Disguise

Percybald: Hmph. Why should I waste my time to help some amateur? I’m afraid I can only offer my assistance to actors that are as great as I am. …

Percybald: Though, your futile attempt to prove your worthiness could be amusing. Grab a copy of a script from the prop room at the theatre cellar. Then talk to me again about your test!

Te pedirá que tomes la copia de un guion que tiene guardada en el sótano del teatro ubicado a tu izquierda:

You see a theatre script.

It weighs 13.00 oz.
It contains the script to a piece performed in the theatre of Carlin.

Percyvald te pondrá a prueba ya que no puede perder su valioso tiempo con amateurs.
Cuando estés listo habla con el de nuevo y pídele que te haga una prueba (Test), el dirá una frase de alguno de los personajes en el guion y tu prueba es decir la frase siguiente a la que él te dijo. Todo está en el guión, pero para que te quede más claro lo he colocado todo en esta guía. Después de acertar el te preguntará si estás listo para la siguiente y tu deberás responder “YES”.

Knight Brave: At last we meet face-to-face!
Doctor Darkness: Too late, puny knight. You can’t stop my master plan anymore!
1st Knave: Watch out! It’s a trap!
Knight Brave: Don’t quail, my faithful follower! We have mastered worse obstacles to get here!
Doctor Darkness: Haha! You may not fear for your own life, but how about hers!?
2nd Knave: Oh no! Look! It’s Princess Buttercup! He’s holding her hostage!
Doctor Darkness: Indeed I do! Wouldn’t it be a pity for such a beautiful young lady to die so tragically?
Princess Buttercup: Don’t care about me! Save the world!
Doctor Darkness: Keep quiet! Else your hair will make the acquaintance of these scissors!
All: You’re such a monster!
Doctor Darkness: Hahaha! Now drop your weapons or else…
1st Knave: Never!
2nd Knave: But what about the princess?
Knight Brave: Trust me, my loyal minions. Drop your weapons.
Doctor Darkness: At last! The brave Knight Brave in my hands! Your death is near!
Knight Brave: Not that fast, Doctor Dumbness!
Doctor Darkness: How dare you? Are you mad? I hold the princess hostage and you drop your weapons. You’re all lost!
Knight Brave: I don’t think so, dear doctor!
1st Knave: What’s this? Behind the doctor?
2nd Knave: Look! It’s Lucky, the wonder dog!
Lucky: Woof! Woof!
Doctor Darkness: Noooooo!
Knight Brave: Get him, boy!
Lucky: Grrr!
Doctor Darkness: Ahhhhhh!
All: Hooray!
Knight Brave: Lucky, once again you saved the day!
Lucky: Woof!

A continuación, te muestro el dialogo que tuve con Percivald, (recuerda que cada dialogo puede ser diferente, o igual al de otros jugadores).


Percybald: Be greeted PLAYER! Please don’t interrupt me for too long!

PLAYER: disguise

Percybald: I told you to grab a copy of a script from the prop room at the theatre cellar and to talk to me about your test, you philistine!

PLAYER: test

Percybald: I hope you learnt your role! I’ll tell you a line from the script and you’ll have to answer with the corresponding line! Ready?


Percybald: What’s this? Behind the doctor?

PLAYER: Look! It’s Lucky, the wonder dog!

Percybald: Ok, ok. You’ve got this one right! Ready for the next one?


Percybald: How dare you? Are you mad? I hold the princess hostage and you drop your weapons. You’re all lost!

PLAYER: I don’t think so, dear doctor!

Percybald: Ok, ok. You’ve got this one right! Ready for the next one?


Percybald: How dare you? Are you mad? I hold the princess hostage and you drop your weapons. You’re all lost!

PLAYER: I don’t think so, dear doctor!

Percybald: Ok, ok. You’ve got this one right! Ready for the next one?


Percybald: Lucky, once again you saved the day!


Percybald: Ok, ok. You’ve got this one right! Ready for the next one?


Percybald: What’s this? Behind the doctor?

PLAYER: Look! It’s Lucky, the wonder dog!

Percybald: Ok, ok. You’ve got this one right! Ready for the next one?


Percybald: Ah well, I think you passed the test! Here is your disguise kit! Now get lost, fate awaits me!

Al pasar la prueba recibirás el logro: [Imagen: 7SiEWZF.gif] Amateur Actor y te entregara el disfraz:

You see a dwarf disguise kit.

It weighs 10.00 oz.
It contains the clothes of a dwarf.


Cuando lo tengas todo, ve a Venore y busca al comerciante Nurik que esta un piso abajo del Depot:

Usa el disfraz (tienes que darte prisa porque tiene una duración de poco menos de 5 minutos) y habla con el de la siguiente manera:


Nurik: It’s .. It’s YOU! At last!! So what’s this special proposal you would like to make, my friend?

PLAYER: dwarven bridge

Nurik: Wait a minute! Do I get that right? You’re the owner of the dwarven bridge and you are willing to sell it to me??


Nurik: That’s just incredible! I’ve dreamed about acquiring the dwarven bridge since I was a child! Now my dream will finally become true. …

Nurik: And you are sure you want to sell it? I mean really, really sure?


Nurik: How splendid! Do you have the necessary documents with you?


Nurik: Oh my, oh my. I’m so excited! So let’s seal this deal as fast as possible so I can visit my very own dwarven bridge. Are you ready for the transaction?


Nurik: Excellent! Here is the painting you requested. It’s quite precious to my father, but imagine his joy when I tell him about my clever deal! …

Nurik: Now leave me alone please. I have to prepare for my departure. Now my family will not call me a squandering fool anymore!

You see the famous mina losa painting.
It weighs 10.00 oz.

Una vez tengas la pintura en tus manos, ve con Dorian para entregársela y pide la siguiente misión:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: Excellent, that serves this fool right. I fear in your next mission, you’ll have to get your hands dirty. Just ask me to learn more about it.



Habla con Dorian.

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Your next mission will lead you to Tiquanda. There is a hidden smugglers cave, north of town. …

Dorian: These smugglers think they don’t have to pay us respect and try to withhold our share of the profit. Recently, they got hold of a certain valuable goblet. …

Dorian: Find them and get us this goblet as rightful payment. If you have to bash some noses during your mission, even better.

Esta misión es un poco mas simple, deberás viajar a Port Hope (Sigue el mapa) dirígete a la cave de smugglers y baja 2 veces hasta encontrar una puerta donde está un cofre, ábrelo y recupera el Valuable Goblet que por derecho le pertenece a la Hermandad.

The Thieves Guild Quest

You see a stolen golden goblet.
It weighs 15.00 oz.
It looks incredibly valuable.

Una vez tengas el Goblet vuelve con Dorian, reporta tu misión y pide una nueva:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: That goblet is hardly worth all this trouble but we had to insist on our payment. However, I assume you are eager for more missions, so just ask.

Para tu siguiente mision necesitarás The Postman Quest SOLO si quieres ahorrar unos gps y tiempo, de lo contrario no la necesitas para nada, pon atención.


PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Your next job will be kidnapping. You’ll get us the only creature that this scrupulous trader Theodore Loveless in Liberty Bay holds dear. …

Dorian: His little goldfish! To get that fish, you’ll have to get in his room somehow. …

Dorian: As you might know I sell lock picks, but I fear unless you’re extremely lucky, you won’t crack this expensive masterpiece of a lock. However, get us that fish, regardless how

Dorian te pedirá que tomes la cosa más preciada de Theodore Loveless, un comerciante de Liberty Bay, su pequeño pez dorado!, para obtener este pez necesitarás entrar a su habitación.

Para esto necesitarás el rango más alto de la Postman Quest ó un Precious Necklace por el que deberás pagar 6,000 gps.

Con tu [Imagen: DrVm1KQ.gif]Post officer’s Hat equipado (pontelo donde debería ir tu helmet) dirígete a Liberty Bay con Chantalle si tu personaje es hombre y con Bertram si tu personaje es mujer (Ubicados en el mapa), y habla con ella/el:


Chantalle/Bertram: Hello.


Chantalle/Bertram: Oh my! You look so great in your uniform! You archpostmen are not only daring but also handsome. Here take it, that’s the key you wanted. Just promise to visit menow and then!

Con la llave en mano, sube las escaleras, usa la llave en la puerta, toma el pez y vuelve con Dorian.

Si intentas hablar con alguno de ellos esto es lo que pasará:


Chantalle/Bertram: Hello.


Chantalle/Bertram: Are you insane?! I’d never misuse the trust placed upon me and hand you Master Loveless’ key! I’m not as bribeable as Herbert, this bad example of a postman – despite his handsome uniform.

Entonces, deberás dirigirte a Herbert en la ofician de correos del Depot de Liberty Bay y pedirle una carta dirigida a Chantalle, se rehusará a dártela por lo que tendrás que sobornarlo con 1,000 gps:


Hebert: At last! The audience arrives!

PLAYER: Letter

Hebert: Well it’s a simple letter from Venore for Chantalle. But I can’t give it to you. The trust in a postman is of more value than gold, you know?


Hebert: Uh, about how much gold are we talking here? About 1000?


Hebert: Well, in that case you may deliver that letter to Chantalle. Here it is and now let me count my glittering gold.

La carta dice que un collar que Chantalle tanto anhela esta en venta, por lo que tendremos que comprarlo para ella. Ve a Venore y busca a Carina en el antiguo depot (En la imagen anterior esta la ubicación). Habla con Carina, y paga por el collar 5,000 gps:


Carina: Welcome, PLAYER. I’m looking forward to trade with you.

PLAYER: Precious Necklace

Carina: Oh, so you want to buy that rare and precious necklace for 5000 gold?


Carina: Here it is. A friend of mine will be quite sad about that sale but business is business.

Cuando tengas el collar, ve con Chantalle y pídele la llave a cambio del collar. Aceptará con gusto. Cuando tengas la llave, sube las escaleras, abre la puerta, toma el pez y vuelve con Dorian.

You see a precious necklace.
It weighs 5.00 oz.


Chantalle: Hello. What brings you here?


Chantalle: Oh what a beautiful piece of jewellery! How did you know how much I wanted that? However, you know what I want and I know you want the key to the living room. There’s our deal.

You see a fishnapped goldfish.
It weighs 32.00 oz.
It belongs to Theodore Loveless.


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: This little goldfish will bring us a hefty ransom! Just ask me if you’re ready for another mission.


PLAYER: mission

Dorian: We’d like to ease our lives somewhat. Therefore, we would appreciate the cooperation with one of the Venore city guards. …

Dorian: Find some dirt about one of them. It’s unimportant what it is. As soon as we have a foothold, we’ll convince him to cooperate. Bring me whatever you may find.

Dorian te pide que busques algo de información sobre un guardia de Venore, para poder chantajearlo con ella. Ve a Venore (sigue el siguiente mapa) y ve a las barracas de los guardias al sur de la ciudad, sube 2 pisos y busca en la mesa de noche por una carta comprometedora. Vuelve con Dorian cuando la tengas.

The Thieves Guild Quest


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: Excellent, that little letter will do the trick for sure. …

Dorian: I think you’re really capable and if you finish another mission, I’ll allow you full access to our black market of lost and found items. Just ask me to learn more about that mission.


PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Competition might be an interesting challenge but our guild isn’t really keen on competition. …

Dorian: Unfortunately, we are lacking some good fighters, which is quite a disadvantage against certain other organisations. However, I think you’re a really good fighter. …

Dorian: Travel to the Plains of Havoc and find the base of our competitors under the ruins of the Dark Cathedral. …

Dorian: On the lowest level, you’ll find a wall with two trophies. Place a message of our guild on the wall, right between the trophies. On your way, get rid of as many of our competitors as you can.

You see a note from the thieves guild.
It weighs 1.50 oz.
It is a warning.

Para la última misión Dorian te entregará una nota que debes colgar en una pared en lo profundo de Dark Cathedral. Dirígete ahí (Ubicación en el siguiente mapa):

Una vez en Dark Cathedral baja las escaleras que están al sur oeste y activa las palancas para poder cruzar el portal ubicado en el centro (orden de las palancas en la 2da imagen), una vez hayas activado todas las palancas corre al portal (ubicado donde esta la flecha verde) y crúzalo antes de que se desactive.

The Thieves Guild Quest

Una vez del otro lado del portal mata la mayor cantidad de criaturas que puedas para poder limpiar el camino, dirígete al norte y en la zona marcada en el mapa coloca el aviso entre los 2 trofeos. Vuelve con Dorian:


Dorian: Greetings, PLAYER! Why do you disturb me?

PLAYER: mission

Dorian: Have you finished your mission?


Dorian: Once again you’ve finished your job, and I’ll keep my promise. From now on, you can trade with old Black Bert somewhere upstairs to get access to certain items that might be of value to someone like you. …

Dorian: If you like, you can also enter the room to the left and pick one item of your choice.

Al entregar tu última misión, recibirás el logro: [Imagen: 7SiEWZF.gif] Master Thief y podrás elegir entre alguna de estas 3 opciones.

The Thieves Guild Quest

The Thieves Guild Quest Terminado

Ya puedes dar por terminada The Thieves Guild Quest

Creditos: Eve

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EK 650+ Wintera. 🙂

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