Como ir a Rookgaard


Guia rapida para ir a Rookgaard desde DawnPort, todos extrañamos esa nostalgica isla y todavia existe manera de visitarla.


No requiere nivel minimo.

No requiere premium account.



Si eres de esos que les gustaria recordar a rookgard antes de subir a mainland esta es la opción para visitar aquella isla:

Player: HI

Inigo: You came through the portal! Though it must be different from where you came from, I’m sure you can help us. But first, I can help YOU.

Player: rookgaard

Inigo: Hmmm. Long time I visited that isle. Not very exciting place. Why do you ask? Do you wish to go there?

Player: yes

Inigo: Careful, careful, it’s a one-way ticket only! You can never come back here if you leave now, and you will lose all your Dawnport equipment and products! …

Inigo: Are you SURE you want to LEAVE Dawnport for ROOKGAARD? 

Player: yes

Inigo: Then so be it. I’m sorry to see you go, but if this is what you want, step this way… right. Now, cover your eyes… GO!

Y listo, ya estaras en rookgaard

Picture of Jashi
Charlover MS 190 Quintera

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