Sea of Light Quest

Want to know how to complete Sea of Light Quest? In have prepared the following guide so you can complete it, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Cave rat
Undead Mine Worker
Undead Prospector
Winter Wold
The Collector
Polar bear
Frost Troll
small diamond
15 Small Diamond
xp boost
1900 Experience Points
yellow gem
Yellow Gem

Introduction Sea of Light Quest

Edron’s magic academy is a place of research recognized throughout Tibia. In it, the best scientists are not only able to find a solution to the most mysterious riddles, but they can also be the creators of great artifacts, the discoverers of great advantages for humans, or perhaps even become the unfortunate liberators of the worst evils.

One of the most controversial research has to do with sea of light, an ideal medium in which you can observe everything, anytime, anywhere. However, the ways of accessing this medium are unknown, and attempts to get closer to a way to take the Sea of Light have ended up in huge disasters and completely devastated laboratories.

The Sea of Light Quest will take us to help Spectulus gather information and means to build an artifact that takes him to the Sea of Light. It’s not a difficult Quest, what’s more, it’s quite useful for low-middle level players who need some money. On the other hand, it is not a very challenging Quest, so players looking for challenges and dangers might be somewhat disappointed.

Required Items:
– 2 Gold Coins.
– Rope or the “Magic Rope” spell.
– Pick.

The Plans (Los Planes) – Sea of Light Quest

To get started with this Quest, you must head to the magic towers in Edron (A), located east of the city. Once there, head to the downtown tower (the largest, where Wyrdin is next to a statue), and climb the stairs of that tower to the top floor, where you’ll find Spectulus. Talk to him.

Sea of Light Quest

First Dialogue with Spectulus

Player: Hi (Hello)

Spectulus: Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.

(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Player: Mission (Mission)

Alright, you look bright enough to fulfil my requests – at aleast you do not fall asleep while standing there. Ahem… I heard about a certain inventor who created a magic device to actually sail the sea of light. Will you help me find him?

(Well, you look bright enough to fulfill my orders – at least as long as you don’t fall asleep while you’re there. Ahem… I heard of a certain inventor who created a magical artifact to set sail in the Sea of Light. Will you help me find him?)

Yes (Yes)

That’s the spirit! As time is of the essence, we should start right now. …

(That’s the spirit! Since time is essential, you should start now. …)

A beggar here in Edron brags about how smart he is and that he he knows about a man who lost his sanity because of an experiment, but he won’t tell anyone any details. Maybe I’ve known more.

(A beggar in Edron boasts how smart he is and who knows about a man who lost his healing because of an experiment, but will not tell anyone any details. Maybe he knows more.)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

Yes yes. Goodbye [nombre].

(Yes, yes. Good bye [nombre].)

When you’re done talking to him, get out of the magic towers and head west, but don’t enter the fortress, but keep walking as if you’re heading to Castle Street and along the way, you’ll meet Shoddy Beggar (B). Talk to him when you find him.

Sea of Light Quest

Dialogue with Shoddy Beggar

Player: Hi (Hello)

Shoddy Beggar:
What do you want? Listen to the old madman? If you have nothing to spare, leave me alone.

(What do you want? If you have nothing to spend, leave me alone.)


Shoddy Beggar:
Hmm, if you can spare a coin… we can talk. What do you say?

(Hmm, if you can spend a coin… we can talk. What do you say?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Thank you very much… plans you say? I don’t know what you are talking about. Plans for a magic… device? And the people call ME crazy.

(Thank you very much… plans, you say? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Plans for a… magical artifact? And that people call me crazy.)

Device (Artifact)

Shoddy Beggar:
Persistent little nuisance, aren’t we? Well, I like your spirit so I will tell you a secret. I may not look the part but I was eleven a scientist. The academy seemed to not like my… attitude and never actually invited me.

(So you’re a little insistent nuisance, huh? Well, I like that spirit, so I’ll tell you a secret. I may not look good, but I was once a scientist. The academy didn’t seem to like my… attitude and I was never invited.)


Shoddy Beggar:
Indeed, I was one myself a long time ago. I may seem a little… distracted by now, but I was working on many important projects. I even created a device to… well, it will cost you another gold coin if you want me to tell you the whole story. You’re in?

(No doubt I was one a long time ago. I can seem a little… altered for now, but was working on many major projects. I even created an artifact for… Well, it’ll cost you another coin if you want me to tell you the whole story. Are you in?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Alright, it seems you are serious about this. I will tell you about my device. Every night I looked up to the stars and wondered what worlds we would be able to find if we could just look where we wanted to. So… hey are you still listening?

(Well, you seem to be taking it seriously. I’ll tell you about my artifact. Every night I would see the stars and wonder what worlds we would be able to find if we could only look where we wanted. So… Hey, are you still listening to me?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Good, good. So eventually I found a way and invented a magic device I called the Lightboat. It was a large construction you could sit in and… well, judging by your looks you don’t believe a word. Do you want to hear the story or not?

(Okay, good. So eventually I found a way and invented a magical artifact called the Lightboat. It was a great construction in which you could sit and… well, judging your looks, you don’t seem to believe a word of it. Do you want to hear the story or not?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Fine. For years I gathered all the necessary items to build the device. I travelled, traded and took advantage of some rare opportunities. With luck and patience I eventually got every component I needed. Can you imagine the excitement I experienced?

(Good. For years I gathered all the objects needed to build the artifact. I traveled, exchanged and took advantage of some rare opportunities. With luck and patience I eventually got every component I needed. Can you imagine the emotion I felt?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
And there I stood before my greatest invention. Door to unknown places, mysterious worlds… yet one of my components was flawed. A small crack in a vital element of my construction quickly led to the failure of the whole project. Still following?

(And there I was in front of my greatest invention. The door to unknown places, mysterious worlds… although one of my components was damaged. A small crack in a vital element of my construction quickly led to the collapse of the entire project. Are you still following me?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
The device was ultimately destroyed. I barely escape the chaos with my life. My laboratory was shattered, as we were all the components of the cursed device. With nothing left, I started to lead a new, different life. Do you know what that means?

(The artifact was completely destroyed. I barely escaped living chaos. My lab was shattered, just like all components of the cursed artifact. Without anything else, I started to lead a new, different life. Do you know what that means?)


Shoddy Beggar:
Thought so. It means starting anew, without any home, money or goal in your life. However, it also opens up opportunities… don’t you agree?

(I thought about it. It means starting over, homeless, money or goals in your life. It also opens the door to new opportunities… don’t you agree?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar: Right… I’m glad everything was destroyed. I don’t even know why I kept the remaining copy of the plans all those years… oh, did I say this aloud?

(Good… I’m proud that everything has been destroyed. I don’t even know why I kept this copy of the plans all those years… oh, did I say that out loud?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Yes, well… I do have one remaining copy of the plans. I will keep them as a… reminder. Such ill-fated devices only cause trouble and despair. Mankind would be better off, without them, right?

(Yes, well… I have a remaining copy of the plans. I still have them as a… Reminder. Such artifacts only cause trouble and despair. Humanity would be better off without them, wouldn’t it?)


Shoddy Beggar:
Hm, maybe you are right. You could give these plans to someone who might be able to finish this project. Someone who will not make the mistakes I made. Someone… hm, do you know the astronomer Spectulus?

(Hm, maybe you’re right. You could give these plans to someone who’s capable of finishing this project. Someone who doesn’t make the same mistakes I made. Someone… hm, do you know astronomer Spectulus?)

Yes (Yes)

Shoddy Beggar:
Well, to be honest, I envy him a little. He can continue his research in his laboratory. He still has working equipment… I sometimes read his publications. He is an able man, but completely on the wrong track… give these plans to him.

(Well, to be honest, I envy him a little. You can continue your research in your lab. It still has work equipment… Sometimes I read his posts. He is a capable man, but completely lost in the wrong way… give these blueprints to him.)

Bye (Goodbye)

Shoddy Beggar:
Yes, whatever. (Yes, whatever.)

After completing this extensive dialogue, the Shoddy Beggar will give you the blueprints for the magical artifact that Spectulus wanted so badly.

Sea of Light Quest

You see plans for a strange device.
It weighs 2.50 oz.
You should bring them to Spectulus in Edron.

With the paper in your hands, go back to Spectulus and tell him about your success in talking to the beggar.

Sea of Light Quest

Second Dialogue with Spectulus

Hi (Hello)

Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.
(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Mission (Mission)

So have you talked to the beggar? What did he tell you? Where are the plans…? Wh…? Did I do? He is? You’ve already got the plans? Beautiful!! Amazing! Alright it will take some time to recapitulate these plans.
(So you talked to the beggar? All right, it’ll take me some time to recap these plans.)

Bye (Goodbye)

Yes yes. Goodbye [nombre].
(Yes, yes. Good bye [nombre].)

When you talk to Spectulus, you’ll receive 400 experience points. To continue the Quest, you must wait at least half an hour from the last time you delivered the plans to it. If you talk to him before that time passes, you’ll have to wait another half hour.

The Collector (El Colector) – Sea of Light Quest

After half an hour has passed since you handed the blueprints over to Spectulus on the previous mission, you can talk to him to continue the next mission.

Third Dialogue with Spectulus

Hi (Hello)

Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.
(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Player: Mission (Mission)

… connects to N942. Alright!! That’s it! I just finished a prototype device! And it looks like I figured out the initial failure. A very special crystal is needed for the device to work. Aren’t you as curious as me to know what went wrong?
(… connects to N942. Very well!! That’s it! I just finished a prototype! And it looks just as I imagined it from the initial failure. We need a very special crystal to make it work. Aren’t you as curious as I am to know what was wrong?)

Yes (Yes)

The device needs a special crystal. It’s called mirror crystal. The inventor somehow damaged it – with fatal results. I had to give up, as no second crystal was left to try. I, however, know of another one… but are you up to the task?
(This artifact needs a special crystal. It’s called mirror glass. The inventor somehow damaged it – with fatal results. He had to give up, as there was no second crystal to try. However, I know of another… are you going to fulfill this task?)

Yes (Yes)

One remaining mirror crystal is in the hands of a creature called the collector which collects all kinds of crystals. The only way to get access to its lair is to donate a very rare crystal to a secret well. I need you to get one, will you help me?
(A remaining mirror crystal is in the hands of a creature called The Collector, which collects all kinds of crystals. The only way to access your lair is to donate a very rare crystal to a secret well. I need you to get one, will you help me?)

Player:Yes (Yes)

Alright, now listen. West of Edron, near the ocean, you’ll find the Lost Mines. Go down there to recover one of its rare crystals. But beware, people say the mine workers who died there years ago in an awful accident are still digging. …
(All right, then listen. West of Edron, near the ocean, you’ll find the Lost Mines. He comes down and gets one of his rare crystals back. But be careful, people say the miners who died there years ago in a horrible accident are still digging. …)

I will mark the location of the mines on your map. Be careful when entering these muddy depths and don’t forget that you will need a pick to gather the crystals.
(I’ll mark the location of the mines on your map. Be careful when you enter those silky passages and don’t forget that you’ll need a pillk to gather the crystals.)

Player: Bye (Goodbye)

Yes yes. Goodbye [nombre].
(Yes, yes. Good bye [nombre].)

When you’re done talking to Spectulus, get out of the magic towers and head to the lower left corner of the fortress. You’ll find some stairs down (C), go get them. Under there you’ll find sewers, go through them and walk through the caves until you reach the surface, on the other side (D). Don’t forget to climb the 4 floors to reach the surface.

Sea of Light Quest

Some Wolves may come to your attack. Walk to the left, towards the caves that Spectulus marked on your maps. When you see a descent with some wagons outside, you’ll know you’ve found the Lost Mines

Sea of Light Quest

Enter the caves and a Rat will come at your attack, kill her. You won’t find significantly powerful creatures in the mines, only Undead Mine Workers and Undead Prospectors, which are equivalent to Skeletons and Ghouls, respectively.

Walk to the left of the entrance and go down the road below. The first Undead Mine Workers will start appearing, kill them. Keep walking down until the road starts going up, and continue in that direction until you get to a part with Rats, Undead Mine Workers and Undead Prospectos. Kill all creatures and head to the upper right corner of the cave to find a huge blue crystal (F). Use a Pick on it to get a Rare Crystal.

Sea of Light Quest

You see a rare crystal.
It weighs 3.10 oz.
An extremely rare crystal you recovered from the Lost Mines.

With the crystal in your hands, you can get out of the Lost Mines and go back to Spectulus. Talk to him.

Fourth Dialogue with Spectulus

Hi (Hello)

Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.
(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Mission (Mission)

Did you find a rare crystal? Show me… Amazing, absolutely amazing. This crystal alone is worth a small fortune. Ahem, of course I’m glad you brought it to me for further research instead of bringing it to a merchant. …
(Did you find a weird crystal? Show… Surprisingly surprising. This crystal alone is worth a small fortune. Ahem, of course I’m happy you brought it to me to continue the investigation instead of taking it to a merchant. …)

Please return here if you want to continue helping me with another mission.
(Please come back here if you want to continue helping me with another mission.)

Once you’ve spoken to Spectulus, you’ll receive 500 experience points and stop talking.

The Mirror Crystal (El Cristal Espejo) – Sea of Light Quest

After you’ve completed the next mission and Spectulus said goodbye to you, you can immediately continue with the next mission, so don’t waste any more time and talk to him.

Fifth Dialogue with Spectulus

Hi (Hello)

Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.
(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Player: Mission (Mission)

Well, the only thing left to do would be to offer the crystal at the well of the collector. There must be a pedestal near the well, where you need to put your donation. Ha, do you think you could do that?
(Well, the only thing left to do would be to offer the glass to The Collector’s well. There must be a pedestal near the well, where you need to put your donation. Ha, do you think you can do that?)

Yes (Yes)

Good, because if you wouldn’t do it… listen, this well is on one of the isles near Carlin. There you offer the crystal. Once you get access to its lair, find the collector and… convince it to give you the mirror crystal. Understood?
(Good, because if you didn’t… listen, this well is on one of the islands near Carlin. There you have to offer the glass. Once you have access to their lair, find The Collector and… convince him to give you the mirror glass. Got it?)

Yes (Yes)

To collect the unbelievably rare, practically unique mirror crystal, you will need to use this special carrying device I developed. If you find the crystal, use it to store it and transport it safely to me. There is no second one.
(To collect the incredibly rare, virtually unique mirror glass, you’ll need to use this special loading artifact I designed. If you find the glass, use it to store it and transport it to me for sure. There’s no other.)

Bye (Goodbye)

Yes yes. Goodbye [nombre].
(Yes, yes. Good bye [nombre].)

You see a carrying device.
It weighs 35.00 oz.
The astronomer Spectulus gave you this device to safely transport the mirror crystal.

You see a rare crystal.
It weighs 3.10 oz.
An extremely rare crystal you recovered from the Lost Mines.

After completing the dialogue with Spectulus, you will receive the crystal you had obtained again before, in addition to the loading artifact mentioned by Spectulus. Now, get out of Edron’s magic towers and travel to Carlin.

Sea of Light Quest

Once there, he walks northwest and travels with Nielson to vega Island.

Walk south of the boat and you will eventually find the well Spectulus referred to, with an “altar” next to it (the Ice Cube). You’re likely to face some Winter Wolf along the way. Use the Rare Crystal in the Ice Cube and you will be transported to a frozen cave, a floor under the well. Do not enter the Teleport, as you no longer have the crystal and you will not be able to enter again.

Walk through the frozen cave, killing the creatures that appear to you. There’s nothing very powerful, just Frost Trolls and Polar Bears. When you reach an intersection, take the downstream path and you’ll reach a much wider section, where you’ll face The Collector.

He’s not a very powerful creature. It’s just like an Ice Golem, so you can quickly kill it using Energy-type spells or attacks. If you want to run it, there’s enough room to do it. Once you defeat him, you can see that his corpse holds something in his hands.

You see the Collector’s body.
It seems the creature was guarding something with his hands.

Use the Carrying Device Spectulus gave you on The Collector’s dead body to store the glass he kept. The Carrying Device will now switch to Filled Carrying Device.

It’s time to go report to Spectulus.

Last Dialogue with Spectulus

Hi (Hello)

Hello [nombre]! You’re late, do you have no concept of time? My mission is of utmost importance. If you are not interested in helping me, you might as well just leave.
(Hello [nombre]! It’s late, don’t you have any concept of time? My mission is of greater importance. If you’re not interested in helping me, you should go.)

Mission (Mission)

Do you have the mirror crystal? Unbelievable! Alright I will extract the crystal from the device myself, would you please give me the device with the crystal and step back?
(Do you have the mirror glass? Amazing! All right, I’ll extract the crystal from the artifact myself, could you please give me the artifact with the glass and go back a little?)

Yes (Yes)

Ah yes, slowly, carefully, careful …
(Ah yes, slowly, carefully, carefully …)

… and how shiny it is, almost there …
(… and how bright it is, almost there …)

… now wh- no, NO, NOOO! It just …
(… now qu- no, NO, NOOO! I will be …)

… slipped. And cracked. Don’t look at me like that …
(… Slipped. And it broke. Don’t look at me like that …)

… I need some time to get over this. What’s that? Oh, yes you can take the remains if you like. Just get it out of my sight.
(… I need time to get through this. What? Oh, yes, you can take the remains if you want. Just get him out of my sight.)

At the end of this dialogue, you will receive 1000 experience points and your reward, 10 Small Diamonds and a Yellow Gem. This is what we’re finishing the Quest with. Enjoy your reward!

Sea of Light Quest

Sea of Light Quest

If you have questions with Sea of Light Quest you can ask in our forum

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